EVA PATCH Pecorino


78 in stock



Minimum 85% Pecorino grapes
Chieti hills area – Maiella slopes
Origin of the vine Grape of uncertain origins, object of attention from the sheep, from which perhaps the name originates. Widespread throughout the Abruzzo region before phylloxera, it was gradually abandoned to make room for more productive varieties such as Trebbiano.
In the vineyard
Soil Medium texture – calcareous
Altimetry and exposure Orsogna 432m a.s.l
Age of the vines 15-20 years
Training system Pergola Abruzzo
Manual harvest
In the basement
Vinification The grapes are harvested by hand between the end of September and the beginning of October
The fermentation with certified organic yeasts is carried out at a controlled temperature. The maturation at the end of fermentation on the good lees gives it complex and important tones.
.In tasting
Sight Pale straw yellow.
Smell Aromas of ripe fruit with hints of pear.
Taste Equipped with a good acidic vein that is balanced with an important structure. All in balance to create a just
In service
Recommended pairing Raw fish, cured meats, risottos, poultry and medium-aged cheeses.
Temperature 9-11°C

The fabrics with which the EVA PATCH organic and vegan wine bottles are wrapped are a big symbolic hug to all women, a unique piece produced by women accompanied In a path of rebirth from experiences of gender-based violence by the anti-violence centers managed by Dafne Onlus .


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