PATCH WINE Nero D’Avola Sicilia PDO


78 in stock



Nero d’Avola grapes 100%
Salemi area (TP)
Origin of the vine Like many other Sicilian varieties, it was introduced to the island at the time of Greek colonization. Today it is cultivated in almost the entire region, but it is originally from the Syracuse area. Nero d’Avola, in fact, is traditionally also called Calabrian, but beyond the strait there is no trace of its historically proven presence. The Calabrian term was often used in the nineteenth century for commercial reasons. Calabrian wines, in fact, were bought by the French, who considered them particularly suitable for giving body and color to their reds.
Soil Medium texture – calcareous
Altimetry and exposure Salemi 50m a.s.l.
Training system Counter-espalier with cordon pruning with 4 spurs
Manual harvest
Vinification The grapes ferment without the use of selected yeasts (spontaneous fermentation) in tanks with frequent pumping over, racking off after 10-12 days. The wine thus obtained undergoes malolactic fermentation in tanks. Refine 6 months in bottle.
View Amaranth red color with ruby reflections.
Smell Warm aromas of ripe fruit cherries, sour cherries and plums, jam in alcohol with a sweet spicy vein dominated by cinnamon.
Taste Soft and velvety with hints of berry, cherry, plum and in the best areas it has distinctive spicy and balsamic notes.
Recommended In large, rounded and pot-bellied glasses. It can be uncorked at the moment, otherwise a couple of hours before.
Temperature 14-16°C


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